Market Research Regulations

Indicates required field

Exhibitors conducting research at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting must submit a research proposal (including the questionnaire or interview guide) via this form. Proposals and questions will be reviewed for their compliance with the guidelines below. Approval status will be provided in writing 2-3 weeks after the form is received. ACP reserves the right to deny any market research request.
Exhibit Dates
April 3-5, 2025
Form Deadline: February 26, 2025
Market Research Guidelines
All research and how it is conducted must conform to the guidelines listed below. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the loss of priority points and potential loss of eligibility to participate in future ACP annual meetings.
  • Meet appropriate ethical standards of privacy, confidentiality, and topic areas or questions asked. Research participation must be anonymous. Responses may not be linked to participants' identity in the collection, analysis or reporting of results.
  • Any prizes or "thank you gifts" distributed to research participants must be approved and appropriate for this particular healthcare convention. A Booth Activities Request Form must be submitted for approval of any giveaways/raffles.
  • Questionnaires or interviews may not exceed 10 minutes per participant.
  • All research must be conducted within the confines of the booth. At no time should exhibitors or registrants be involved in research outside of the booth.
  • Booths may not be vacated once research is completed. Booths must be staffed and operating during exhibit hours. Be prepared with enough material for the entire 3 days.
  • Results cannot reference ACP or Internal Medicine Meeting participants.
  • Results cannot be published without the prior written consent of ACP.
  • The name or logo of Internal Medicine Meeting or ACP may not appear on any research materials; nothing about the research should give participants the impression that ACP is sponsoring the research.
  • The ACP Exhibit Program Manager must receive a copy of the results as they will be disseminated, prior to their dissemination, following the Internal Medicine Meeting.
  • Focus groups/market research: Investigator meetings that target a specific group of attendees to obtain specific data. Investigator meetings cannot exceed 25 participants and are restricted to a maximum of 90 minutes. If the investigator meeting takes place outside of the exhibit booth, an Unofficial Events Request form must be submitted for approval.


Proposal to Conduct Research at Internal Medicine Meeting
Please Note: Companies that have not received written approval in advance of the meeting will not be permitted to conduct onsite surveys.
Exhibitor Info
This Request is Being Submitted By

Please include as much detail as necessary to convey exactly what a participant will experience. List or attach below any in-person interview or survey questions that will be asked of participants.

Describe how you intend to use or disseminate the results of this research (e.g. Internal report/presentation, publication, etc.)

One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

Respondents Identified
Directly or through identifiers linked to their responses.
Respondents' Identities Used
Do you plan to follow up with respondents?
Public Disclosure of Responses
Linking to respondents' identities could potentially place the respondents at risk of criminal or civil liability or be damaging to their financial standing, employability, or reputation.